
Friday 10 August 2018


L.I:To comment on someones blog post.
I went on Afatia's blog post and I commented on it about how interesting it was. I learnt how to comment on someones blog post. I learned it by going on her blog and reading her work and commenting on it and saying how I like it. 

Word cloud

L.I:To identify the main purpose of the information presented media. 
L.I:To understand that media is made for purpose.
This week for cybersmart we did media. We had to make a copy of the media slide. After that we had to make a word cloud. We had to write good word about your self for example positive. 

Snag Golf

Kiwi Sport
This week for kiwi sport we did snag golf. First we had to get in groups of 3's. After that one person in your group had to be back stop and one of the other people had to wait for their turn and the other person had to try and get the ball on the the target. If you do get the ball on the target then you have to shout out snag and you get one point for your team. There are 3 balls so that means that you get 3 turns of rolling the ball. When you finish you have to switch. The person that was the back stop has to go and wait until their turn. The person that was trying to hit the target has to be the back stop. The person that was waiting in line has to have a go at hitting the target. 

This VS That

This week for inquiry we did this VS that. First we had to get into partners and then one of us had to make a copy of the This VS That. For the first one we had to Put in what year was the panmure bridge and the Auckland Barbour bridge built. The second one that we had to do is to find out what length, height, span and width the panmure bridge and the Auckland Barbour bridge is. After we do that we had to find how much the panmure bridge and the Auckland Barbour bridge cost. For the other one we had to find out what materials the panmure bridge and the Auckland Barbour bridge has to build it. And for the last one we had to say what type of bridge it is.

Setting Planner

L.I:To plan a narrative.
This week for writing we had to plan a narrative. First we had to make a copy of the slide for making a plan for our setting. There is write down where is the haunted house, what is it like inside the haunted house, when did your characters go to the haunted house, what does it feel like to be inside the haunted house, what does it look like inside the haunted house and other things. My setting is a haunted house. 

Wednesday 8 August 2018


L.I:To find different kind of questions. First we got a two sheets of paper 1 sheet of paper had 12 QAR questions. The other sheet of paper that We had to get was the Questions sheet of paper. We had to cut out the QAR questions and then we had to glue it on the question paper.

Kiwi can

L.I:To learn how to achieve goals.
This week for kiwi can we are learning about goal settings.The theme was resilience and our topic was goal settings. We talked about why is it so important to celebrate your goals? Because you have always try hard in your life to achieve that goal and you never gave up and we keep trying no matter what.