
Friday, 20 October 2017


Recount draft

Panmure bridge the classes danced for an audience in the hall for the  performances last term in  term 3 the name of the dances are Harlem shake, single ladies, dougie etc.I see red, footloose, staying alive Michael Jackson War Elvis Presley Mambo No 5.

  • The first groups who went on the stage are kapa haka,room 4 and room 2.
  • The second groups are room 1 then junior kapa haka  the ls 2
  • The third groups are room 3 and ls 1 there was lyndon live and adds.

  • All of the kids mr johnston  said,”thank you for coming

I am learning to do term 3 dance.
I am learning to do term 3.
 I am learning to do term dance for writing.

Local community

today we did inner middle odder for inquiry.
I am learning to do inner middle and odder.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Keyboarding Drills

qwertyuiop poiuytrewq qwertyuiop poiuytrewq
qwertyuiop poiuytrewq qwertyuiop poiuytrewq
qawsedrftg p;olikujyh qawsedrftg p;olikujyh
qawsedrftg p;olikujyh qawsedrftg p;olikujyh
paosidug qhwjekrlt; paosidug qhwjekrlt;
paosidug qhwjekrlt; paosidug qhwjekrlt;
we too rip were equip quit yet tyre you peer pewter wore
two pie row toy retire pottery quite wire trip yew
we too rip were equip quit yet tyre you peer pewter wore
two pie row toy retire pottery quite wire trip yew
Pretty Owe Wrote Pet Your Pore Tower Rot Yoyo Out Witty
Tree Wet Our Require Io Up Ore Poetry Top Tour Putty
Pretty Owe Wrote Pet Your Pore Tower Rot Yoyo Out Witty
Tree Wet Our Require Io Up Ore Poetry Top Tour Putty
L.I:To learn touch typing.

What did you learn?:I learn about a keyboard drills.

How did you learn?:I learnt how to copy what it says and copy it onto the line under it and right the same thing as it is the top thing to be the same as the top.